Category: Private Education

4 Tips for Finding the Best Kindergarten

4 Tips for Finding the Best Kindergarten 4 Tips for Finding the Best Kindergarten

Parents have a lot to juggle when it comes to setting their kids up for a happy and prosperous future. One of the things that often rises to the top of their lists of concerns is choosing the right school for them to attend. You might think the big worry would be about where they’d […]

You’re 3 Months Into the School Year, and YES–You Made a Great Choice

You’re 3 Months Into the School Year, and YES–You Made a Great Choice You’re 3 Months Into the School Year, and YES--You Made a Great Choice

As they say, time flies when you’re having fun! The first few months of this school year are proof of that. The community at St. Barnabas Episcopal School is as strong and happy as ever, and we hope you’re feeling good about your experience with us. Parents choose St. Barnabas for a variety of reasons. […]

Ready for High School and Beyond: How Well-Prepared Students Leave 8th Grade

Ready for High School and Beyond: How Well-Prepared Students Leave 8th Grade Ready for High School and Beyond: How Well-Prepared Students Leave 8th Grade

The transition from middle school to high school is significant. Students move to a new school with new kids and big expectations. Some kids may struggle with this change, but on the whole, we find that St. Barnabas alumni are very well-prepared for the jump. Getting students ready for high school is a multi-faceted issue. […]

Why Environment Matters to Quality Education

Why Environment Matters to Quality Education Why Environment Matters to Quality Education

There is a parable in the Bible about seeds sown in different types of soil and how differently they grow. The seeds sown on the rocky ground can’t thrive, and seeds dropped on the road are trampled or eaten by birds. However, the seeds carefully planted in healthy soil grow and produce fruit. In the […]

Is the Tuition Investment Worth it for Private Schools?

Is the Tuition Investment Worth it for Private Schools? Is the Tuition Investment Worth it for Private Schools?

Each year, St. Barnabas continues to rank on top of the list of most popular schooling options for families in DeLand and throughout Volusia County. We’re thrilled and honored by the love we feel from the community at large and do our best to accommodate as many families as possible.  As new families enter the St. […]

What Will My Kids Experience at St. Barnabas?

What Will My Kids Experience at St. Barnabas? What Will My Kids Experience at St. Barnabas?

It’s that time again when parents are thinking ahead about what their plan for the next academic year will be. Wondering what the right school is for their family and if now is the right time to opt for a private school for their children. One of the big questions we get from parents deciding […]

Key Reasons Families Move Their Children to Private School

Key Reasons Families Move Their Children to Private School Key Reasons Families Move Their Children to Private School

Access to private education has always been a priority of parents in Volusia County and around the country. It’s become such a priority in the last few years that new legislation has been passed extending parents’ ability to choose private education for their children regardless of finances or caps on enrollment. Florida is already leading the […]

Key Ways Students Thrive When Their School Has a Community Focus

Key Ways Students Thrive When Their School Has a Community Focus Key Ways Students Thrive When Their School has a Community Focus

Helen Keller is credited with the famous saying, “Alone, we can do so little; together, we can do so much.” This is a perfect analogy for a community. Whether we identify ourselves as such or not, we are all members of communities. We attend churches, and our children attend schools. We have jobs, join gyms, […]

What We’re Grateful for as Another School Year Ends at St. Barnabas

What We’re Grateful for as Another School Year Ends at St. Barnabas What We're Grateful for as Another School Year Ends at St. Barnabas

The end of the year always makes us reflect on everything we’ve experienced together, and we are astounded by the overwhelming blessings we receive as a community each year. At St. Barnabas Episcopal School, we work hard to create a warm and caring environment for students where we all come together to pursue the highest […]

The Big Picture: Long-Term Benefits Private Education Provides

The Big Picture: Long-Term Benefits Private Education Provides The Big Picture: Long-Term Benefits Private Education Provides

There is a lot of debate taking place right now in our culture about the state of public education. We are not going to dive into that political conversation here today. However, this is such a hot-button topic because we all agree that education is not just a system that affects students at the moment. […]

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