Month: October 2021

4 Fun Family Activities To Try With Your Kids This Fall

4 Fun Family Activities To Try With Your Kids This Fall 4 Fun Family Activities To Try With Your Kids This Fall

While the rest of the world is gearing up for fall fun, we are still coping with our nearly endless summer weather in the state of Florida. But as hot as it is, we won’t let the heat keep us from diving into fall with the rest of the world. As parents, it’s easy to […]

Why Effective Communication with Your Middle Schooler is Important

Why Effective Communication with Your Middle Schooler is Important Why Effective Communication with Your Middle Schooler is Important

Congratulations, parents! You have successfully raised your child into middle school. We know all of the work that goes into teaching and supporting your maturing child, and we’re proud of how far you’ve come. You know better than anyone how challenging it can be to navigate life with a middle schooler. There is one thing […]

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