Category: Preschool

Start Here: The Top 3 Benefits Of Enrolling in Our K4 Program

Start Here: The Top 3 Benefits Of Enrolling in Our K4 Program Start Here: The Top 3 Benefits Of Enrolling in Our K4 Program

Start Here: The Top 3 Benefits Of Enrolling in Our K4 Program When you enter the world of parenthood, you become acutely familiar with the phrase, “the days are long, but the years are short.” One day you bring a tiny baby home from the hospital, and the next thing you know, you are having […]

Why VPK at a Private School Better Prepares Your Child for Their Future Education

Why VPK at a Private School Better Prepares Your Child for Their Future Education Why VPK at a Private School Better Prepares Your Child for Their Future Education

If you’re a parent, you know that VPK is a big stepping stone between preschool and the rest of your child’s education. But, what is VPK? It stands for Voluntary Pre-Kindergarten, and it’s a state-run preschool program that funds education for the year leading into kindergarten when children are four years old. Florida was one […]

4 Types Of Development We Witness In Preschool Students

4 Types Of Development We Witness In Preschool Students 4 Types Of Development We Witness In Preschool Students

For some families, preschool is a given. Both parents are working outside the home making it essential for them to find a safe and nurturing place to take their children during the day. But some families have to choose whether or not to enroll their children in preschool. It can be difficult to decide to […]

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