If you take the time to observe your children while they play this summer, you can actually learn a lot about where they are developmentally. Making these observations can help you to determine if your child’s social and emotional development is on track and where they have areas of weakness. Depending on your child’s personality, […]
Month: July 2017
The Long Term Effects of a Quality Kindergarten Education
The idea that your first years of education are influential to your later success, both in school and out, is nothing new. We all understand the value of providing our children with a firm foundation for their school years, but what many don’t realize is that the type of education your kindergartener receives has just […]
What You’re Missing When You Don’t Unplug And Spend Time With Your Kids
Parents are frequently concerned that if their children use technology, they could face negative consequences. But how many parents consider the lasting effects that their own technology use can have on their children? You’ll often encounter fears that if children watch too much TV or use electronic devices too often, it will stunt their cognitive […]
Why Your Kids Should Go Play Outside This Summer
Summer is the perfect opportunity for your children to get some extra outdoor time. With more freedom during the daylight hours and more flexibility with bedtime, there’s no reason why they shouldn’t be outdoors. Here are some of the best reasons why your kids should go outside and play; Becoming One With NatureKids are spending […]