Is the Tuition Investment Worth it for Private Schools?

Each year, St. Barnabas continues to rank on top of the list of most popular schooling options for families in DeLand and throughout Volusia County. We’re thrilled and honored by the love we feel from the community at large and do our best to accommodate as many families as possible. 

As new families enter the St. Barnabas community, we commonly hear concerns from parents about the cost of private school. We understand the concern and do our best to support families with financial aid as we are able. Still, some families are left wondering if private school is really worth the cost. Certainly, the answer to that is up to each family. However, once a family joins the St. Barnabas family, it’s easy to see all the benefits that make it more than worth the cost of tuition. 

Small Classes

We talk a lot about our small class sizes because we strongly believe in how they benefit our children, and here’s why. The more students teachers are responsible for at one time, the less one-on-one attention each child gets. That fact is obvious, but it goes deeper than that. When great teachers have the freedom of small classes, they can individualize lessons to reach students right where they are. Students aren’t bored or falling through the cracks because the teachers can support them in real time.

Engaged Community

Teachers are not the only people in our community working hard to create an engaging educational environment. Everyone from our staff to our parents, church community members, and alumni works hard to ensure our students are loved and cared for. We are so proud of our community’s strength and dedicate much of that to the engagement we experience.

Well-Rounded Education

The sad reality that many families are experiencing from the public school system is that everything seems to boil down to state testing. In the wake of huge shifts in the education system, many schools are reducing their extracurriculars and arts programs. Because St. Barnabas is a private school, we’re not beholden to the same requirements and have the freedom to cultivate a well-rounded education for our students.

We lean heavily into the creative arts and have a strong performing arts program, not to mention that we are the K-8 school with the largest offering of athletic programs available in the county.  Our students thrive in a well-balanced educational environment, and rather than taking away from their academic performance, as some might suggest, it enhances them.

High School Preparation

Amid all the opportunities our students have to grow into well-rounded, thoughtful, and spiritual adults, it’s also important to mention that students leave 8th grade here, expertly prepared for high school and beyond. Students leave our campus and head to a variety of local high schools, where they thrive academically and in extracurricular activities. We consistently see our alumni graduating as the Valedictorian and Salutatorians at area high schools, and their families are happy to give us credit for helping their children gain the necessary foundation to excel at such a high level.

At St. Barnabas Episcopal School, we love what we do. We love our students and are so proud of the environment we cultivate for them. If you ask us, the whole big-picture package is worth even more than the cost. However, each family must take in all the factors and decide for themselves. We urge you to do some research. Learn as much as you can about our community, decide what is most important to you when it comes to your kids’ education, and make the choice that best serves your family.

The best way to learn about our school community is to see it for yourself. Contact us today if you’re interested in taking a tour of our campus or speaking to a member of our admissions team. We look forward to hearing from you soon.

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