Month: May 2016

How a Private Education Can Help to Nurture Leadership Skills

How a Private Education Can Help to Nurture Leadership Skills Picture

When you think about some of the greatest leaders of our time, you may assume that these phenomenal leadership skills came naturally to them. Some would even call them “born leaders.” However, good leadership skills don’t necessarily have to be a birthright. In fact, numerous studies have indicated that we all have the potential to […]

How to Keep Your Child Reading During the Summer Months

How to Keep Your Child Reading During the Summer Months Picture

With summer rapidly approaching, reading may be the last thing on your child’s mind. Instead, so much excitement is centered around family vacations and lazy trips to the beach. Numerous studies have indicated that children that continue to read when school is out of session perform better academically than those that don’t. So what can […]

Student Spotlight: Eight Students receive special recognition at Yom HaShoah Commemorative Ceremony

Student Spotlight: Eight Students receive special recognition at Yom HaShoah Commemorative Ceremony Picture

After a thorough study of World War II and the Holocaust, the 8th grade students participated in the Yom HaShoah Creative Arts Contest sponsored by the Holocaust Memorial Resource & Education Center in Maitland. Out of the hundreds of students who participated in the contest, eight SBES students (see below) received special recognition for their […]

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