
Students focus on the faithfulness of God and how He always keeps His promises. Each week a Bible Story and Biblical truths are shared. Our study begins in Genesis with the Creation and covers key stories and passages in both the Old and New Testaments. Church Holy Days such as the Advent and Lenten seasons are discussed and celebrated. Activities and additional media help children comprehend and apply Biblical truths. Character development is taught through the teaching of The Fruit of the Spirit with a different fruit emphasized each month.

1st Grade

2nd Grade

3rd Grade

4th Grade

5th Grade

  • Reading and Social Studies

    Teachers help students build foundational reading skills with a strong focus on phonics, fluency, vocabulary, and comprehension, always keeping the goal of developing a love of reading in mind. Students work in small groups to ensure their individual needs are met, often using their reading experiences as a starting point.


    In math, students explore real-world problems with graphs, sorting cubes and more. They develop age-appropriate fluency and conceptual understanding of arithmetic operations. In science, students conduct, observe, and record investigations to explore weather, living things, space, light, and sound.


    Students attend at least one special area class every day, including Art, Music and Instrumental, PE, Library, Spanish, and Computer. Children enjoy singing, dancing, jumping, skipping, listening to stories and “traveling” to far away lands. In shows twice a year, students proudly share what they have learned and created.

  • Reading and Social Studies

    Students read a variety of literature and use instruction in phonics to support reading skills. Students write often, work on spelling, grammar, and mechanics in the natural context of literature and language. In social studies, they are introduced to the concept of citizenship and democracy, pioneers and inventors, geography and world cultures.


    In math, students gain understanding and fluency in addition and subtraction, graphing, shapes, time, money, and more. In science, students create a notebook of their learning about plants, properties of matter, ecosystems, Earth’s changes, and more.


    Students attend at least one special area class every day, including Art, Music and Instrumental, PE, Library, Spanish, and Computer. They enjoy singing, dancing, jumping, skipping, listening to stories and “traveling” to far away lands. In shows twice a year, students proudly share what they have learned and created.

  • Reading and Social Studies

    Students begin to read more complex chapter books and have the ability to “read to learn” comfortably. They begin cursive handwriting and creative writing with dialogue. In social studies, students concentrate on civics, economics, geography, and history and how they relate to our community. They learn the United States’ state capitals by region, do a unit on the history of DeLand, and complete a small business project.


    In math, students  practice whole-number operations and are introduced to fractions, decimals, and complex shapes. In science, topics include measurement, animal classification, earth, and space, and a research project involving endangered animals and their habitats.


    Students attend at least one special area class every day, including Art, Music and Instrumental, PE, Library, Spanish, and Computer. They enjoy team-building, sportsmanship, singing, and rhythm activities. They explore conversations in different languages, works of art, and cultures. Students read fiction and non-fiction, learn to code computers, and find tools for doing safe research.  In shows twice a year, students share what they have learned.

  • Reading and Social Studies

    Students expand their knowledge about the world around them and other cultures with a theme-based curriculum. They are encouraged to stretch their reading skills by trying many different genres and interests. Writing is integrated into their day and often relates to the reading they have done.


    Students solidify fluency in multiplication and division, fractions, decimals, mixed numbers, and more advanced word problems. In math, the leveled curriculum includes fourth-grade math and an accelerated-paced program. In science, topics include geology and the five senses of the body. In social studies, students focus on Florida’s history, people, economy, and government.


    Students attend at least one special area class every day, including Art, Music and Instrumental, PE, Library, Spanish, and Computer. They enjoy team-building, sportsmanship, singing, and rhythm activities. They explore conversations in different languages, works of art, and cultures. Students read fiction and non-fiction, learn to code computers, and find tools for doing safe research.  In shows twice a year, students share what they have learned.  

  • Reading and Social Studies

    Students have four academic subjects daily and several special areas throughout the week. A key focus is on organizational skills. In language arts, students often tie novels into their history studies in U.S. geography and early American history through the Civil War, and classes immerse themselves into the westward expansion and the Oregon Trail. This unit culminates with students building their own miniature Conestoga wagon.


    Math is leveled in fifth grade with a fifth-grade curriculum and an advanced-paced curriculum. Students solidify their knowledge of fractions, percents, decimals, ratios, and proportions. They begin more abstract thinking and problem solving. In science, students focus on scientific thinking, systems, and research.


    Students attend at least one special area class every day, including Art, Music and Instrumental, PE, Library, Spanish, and Computer. They enjoy team-building, sportsmanship, singing, and rhythm activities. They explore conversations in different languages, works of art, and cultures. Students read fiction and non-fiction, learn to code computers, and find tools for doing safe research.  In shows twice a year, students share what they have learned.



​Our students’ engagement in sports helps them to learn about commitment, sportsmanship, and deal with adversity.


​Creativity is a critical element in learning, which is why we weave the arts through all of our academic programming.


​Each week we host a school community chapel service including a time of worship and a life-giving lesson that fosters students in their spiritual growth.


Our enrichment program offers students the opportunity to dive deeper into some of the subjects from their curriculum.


​In clubs students develop leadership skills, team building, and sportsmanship outside of a traditional classroom environment.


From performing arts and music to athletics and even coding, we have a camp for every kind of student.


The unique adventures that each student can experience while reading is an experience of a lifetime. Teaching kids to love language arts from an early age is essential to their development at all levels. From the very beginning, our teachers help students know that they are here to succeed.
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