Have you heard your middle school student talking about their crew? Have you wondered how they joined the rowing team at a landlocked school? This year, we’re excited to launch an exciting new program for middle schoolers at St. Barnabas School that we expect will have tremendously positive results for our students. We believe our newly launched crew program will transform our student experience for many years to come.
Think of our middle school crews as a new way for students to connect within the St. Barnabas community at a time in life when connection can feel harder to grasp. When bodies are changing, hormones are raging, and routines are uprooted, crews will help ground students when they need it most. We’re thrilled to share the concept with you.
What Is Crew?
Beginning this academic year, we rolled out a program that divides our middle school community into four crews. Each is represented by a color, either blue, green, red, or purple. The crews will be led by faculty and staff members who will help build community, encourage enthusiasm, and provide mentorship to the students in their crew.
Why Does Crew Matter?
We all remember middle school, right? It’s a time of life when young people begin to feel more self-conscious, have to learn to navigate big emotions, and struggle as their external environments shift and change. Students who are used to being a member of a class unit are now switching classes and joining a new group each class period. Friendships are changing, and popularity is becoming more prevalent. It can be difficult to find a place to belong in middle school. Research shows that having a sense of belonging helps students perform better in the classroom and helps strengthen their mental health. By strengthening our campus life offerings, we believe we’ll be able to provide an increased sense of belonging when students need it the most.
Most of us probably could have benefitted from a similar program when we were in our middle school years, and we hope that our crew program helps to relieve some of the growing pains associated with this season of life.
The Beginning Of Crews At St. Barnabas
What an exciting time to be engaged in the St. Barnabas School community as we launch this brand-new student engagement program. Student life is an essential element of the St. Barnabas community. Our campus life programs excite our students and teachers and provide an added layer of connection to catch students who may otherwise fall through the cracks.
We are taking on this big program, and it will take a few years for us to phase in the project completely. But what’s most exciting about being on the ground floor as we introduce crews to our campus is that our current students, faculty, and staff will have a hand in shaping the identity of their crew, including the name, branding, and spirit behind the group. We’re excited to watch as each member of our community has the opportunity to express their creativity and put their identity into their crew.
Certainly, these groups will evolve over time as new students come into our community and add their personalities to our campus life landscape. But, ultimately, our current students during these early years will lay the foundation for this program, and we’re very excited to see what they come up with!
Please let us know if you or your student have questions about the program. This concept is evolving and growing as we speak. For more information about St. Barnabas crews or to schedule a visit to campus, contact our office today.