We are excited to embark upon the 53rd Academic Year.

Passionate Teachers: The Key to a Successful Learning Environment

Teachers Charlotte Holt (2nd grade) and Tina Ruston (4th grade) join their students at literacy day by dressing as their favorite book’s characters.
Teachers really do not get the credit they deserve in today’s world. They are responsible for the academic growth of your children for at least 6-7 hours a day, 5 days a week, for about 10 months out of the year. Knowing your child will spend that much time with a teacher over the course of a year, it is of the upmost importance to place your child in a school that hires passionate and caring teachers.
Passionate and caring teachers are few and far between these days and it’s largely due to the diminishing public educational system and their lack of care for their own teachers. However, finding great teachers in a private school can also be hard to find. One of the top determining factors in a parent’s decision to choose private education was because they felt the teachers would provide a more nurturing and supportive environment for their children.
Students showcase their favorite books on stage by dressing as their favorite character.
Finding the best school for your child can be a tough road. We encourage every parent to talk with teachers of every school before enrolling their children. Our teachers hold themselves to a high standard and would be happy to share more on their passion for teaching when you schedule a tour. Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

Our mission is to challenge each student in a supportive environment that promotes academic excellence, sound moral values, and high self-esteem within a framework of God’s love.

Schedule your personal tour: