You don’t need to have a well-manicured in-ground pool to enjoy playing in the water at home this summer. There are endless creative ways that your kids can stay cool outside, just like we did when we were kids. Buy an inexpensive sprinkler that hooks right up to a hose and they’ll have entertainment for hours. Or, get a kiddie pool and fill it with toys. It’s an easy-to-clean, low investment way to make the most out of playing outside this summer. And when your kids have friends over, it’s time to break out the old favorite: the slip and slide. A roll of plastic sheeting, a hose, and some dish soap are all you’ll need to keep those kids entertained. Just remember to apply sunscreen often to ensure everyone is protected from the sun!
Get A Pool Membership
If you’re looking for something a little more structured, you might consider getting a membership to a local pool like the YMCA. There you can take your kids to free play or enroll them in swimming lessons, even if they already know how to swim. This helps them improve their skills and learn a little bit about water safety. If you have a child who loves to swim, this might be the best option for you.
Enjoy the Local Hot Spots
In addition to playing at home and joining your local YMCA there are endless options for playing in the water all around us. Here in central Florida we’re flanked on two sides by the ocean and surrounded by freshwater springs. An afternoon spent running around the beach or through the State Park will keep them active, and the proximity of nice cool water will keep them cool and comfortable.
The most important parenting tip for keeping your kids cool this summer is that it doesn’t have to cost you an arm and a leg. There are so many great options right around your neighborhood, or if you’re really creative, right in your own backyard. What’s most important is that your kids are staying active, having fun, and keeping cool in the summer heat. For more parenting tips, follow along with our blog, or contact us for more information about our community.