The St. Barnabas School experience has always been said to be an unforgettable journey that builds lifelong relationships. Walking through the halls of this school you can see friendships being built, memories being made, and teachers investing in the lives of the young students. It is a journey that has, personally, had more impact on my life than any other educational system I have been a part of.
You have your high school and college experiences, both of which seem to be the most proactive at staying connected with you. Colleges are known for homecoming events, donor campaigns, emails, blogs, social media pages, summer magazines, etc. That is probably why the majority of people are prone to be more connected with their Undergraduate Alma Maters. But is that really the educational experience that has had the most impact on you? Think about it…
St. Barnabas may be a Pre-K through 8th Grade institution but when you think about it, that is a significant amount of time to spend in one place. I attended SBES from Kindergarten through 8th Grade, which means I spent NINE YEARS in one place and around the same people. At no other point in my educational career did I have that opportunity. It is the biggest reason I am still connected with a lot of my former classmates 12 years after leaving SBES. I recently attended a wedding, in June, of one of my St. B friends I have known since Kindergarten. At the reception, I found myself running into (what seemed to be) a hundred old friends from St. Barnabas. We all reminisced about the great times we had while attending St. B, almost as if we were still there.
“It is a journey that has, personally, had more impact on my life than any other educational system I have been a part of.” -Kyle (Class of 2003)
This story is exactly why St. Barnabas wants to
stay connected with our Alumni. We want to know about your successes, what we can help with, how we can connect you with old friends, and where life has taken you. There are so many new things happening on your old stomping grounds and we would love to have you be part of the excitement again!
If you would like to know how you can stay connected or get involved with St. Barnabas, check out our alumni Facebook page and our alumni webpage. Also, update your contact information below so we can keep you connected to our SBES Community!
Kyle Hays
Class of 2003