How You And Your Kids Can Get Active This Fall

The month of September marks the first day of autumn and the beginning of cooler temperatures. With the intense summer heat, humidity, and bug populations on their way out, it’s the perfect opportunity for you and your kids to engage in some outdoor activities.
There are far more reasons to get outside with your kids than reasons not to, not the least of which is the positive impact staying active will have on your child’s mental and emotional well being. It’s tough being a kid in this age of social media and high academic standards. The expectations of others can weigh on your children at a young age, so it’s important to stay connected and protect their right to just be a kid.

Physical activity can be the perfect outlet for your child’s energy. Playing with other kids will build your child’s social skills and time spent playing with parents and siblings will build your familial bond.

How To Get Active
There are many opportunities for your kids to get, and stay, active. From the offerings at St. Barnabas Episcopal School, to the wide range of sports group activities available within your community, your child has a lot of options. We offer the most sports opportunities of any school in Volusia county and a variety of after school groups that can keep your kids off the couch. We understand the value of unstructured play and make sure all of our students have the opportunity to have recess every day.

Get Off The Sidelines
One of the best ways to encourage activity in your kids, is to get active yourself! Play together as a family, whether it be kicking a soccer ball around in your yard or shooting hoops in your driveway. Playing for fun can be just as valuable as organized sports, and it’s a great opportunity for you to bond with your kids.

You can also join organized sports yourself. You’d be surprised by how many adult leagues exist in your community. From volleyball to kickball, there’s likely a great activity that you can play in yourself and set a good example of physical activity for your kids. Don’t forget that your child’s sports team is likely always open to volunteers, and might even need a coach. You likely have to drive them to practice anyway, so you might as well find a way to engage!

By getting active yourself, you can engage with your kids on a deeper level and create family traditions that build healthy habits. We understand how important your child’s wellbeing is to you and always strive to provide a balanced education. Physical, emotional, and spiritual education is just as important as academic excellence. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a tour.

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