Communicate With Kindness And Patience
Educators in our classrooms and in classrooms all over the world have been asked to adjust very quickly to the ever-changing landscape we find ourselves in. They started by teaching 100% virtually, and now they are simultaneously teaching students in the classroom and through our online education program. They’re doing a great job, but we know it hasn’t always been easy for them. Just as it hasn’t always been easy for you and your families. It’s understandable that you feel frustrated and exhausted by the last few months. We all do. But one of the easiest ways you can support our teachers is to express your gratitude and communicate with them in a spirit of kindness and patience.
Maintain An Open Line Of Communication
Your children’s education is as important to us as it is to you. Our teachers are passionate about providing all of our students with a strong education and depend on parents’ involvement to help them achieve that. If you want to support your child’s teacher, stay in touch. Research shows that positive communication between parents and teachers improves students’ educational outcomes. No one knows your children as well as you do, and the more you participate in their education the better they’ll do.
Offer To Volunteer
It may be a long time before classroom volunteering looks like it used to. As of today, we are still not allowing parents on campus except for the main office. But, there may be other ways that you could contribute to your child’s classroom. If you have time to offer your support to your child’s teacher, he or she may have just the thing for you to do. Every teacher and every classroom is different, so it’s best if you reach out directly. Plus, even the act of offering to volunteer may be very meaningful to a busy teacher.
Support Classroom Expenses
Teachers are innovative and creative people who have a heart for your child’s education. If you’ve had children in school for a while, you’ve undoubtedly seen this in action. Your children’s teachers are always looking for new and interesting ways to present materials and make learning fun and engaging. And often, we see parents gladly chipping in to cover classroom expenses. These days, of course, teachers have needed a whole new set of resources to provide a safe education. In addition to your teacher’s regular wish list, we’ve seen many generous families provide extra hand sanitizer, masks, and Clorox wipes. The gift of any item or classroom expense is touching to teachers and contributes to the outstanding education they’re providing for all of our students.
Share Your Own Special Skills
The parents and family members in the St. Barnabas community are just as special and individually gifted as their students. We’re amazed at the wealth of wisdom and talents we have access to. Over the years we’ve seen brilliant parents use their own gifts and talents to contribute to their child’s classroom in a myriad of different ways. Reach out to your child’s teacher, you never know how your personal experiences and talents (whether in accounting, skydiving, or coin collecting) may add significant value to the education of your child and their classmates.
At St. Barnabas School, we’re so grateful for our teachers and for the way they continue to show up to ensure that all of our children receive the best education they can even in the midst of a less than ideal environment. Thank you to all of the parents who have shown an interest in supporting the teachers and support staff who keep our school running. But we also want to give a round of applause to all of you parents who have stepped up to the plate and made your own sacrifices in the name of your child’s education. We couldn’t’ continue to provide the high-quality education that we’ve become known for without the support of our parents.
As we roll into a new year, let’s all take a deep breath. Together we’ve done a great job for our kids’ education, and the best is yet to come. For more information about joining the St. Barnabas School community, or for specific information about supporting your child’s teacher, contact us today.