How A Private School Education Can Benefit Your Shy Child

In many schools, the students who are more confident and comfortable in social situations can more easily adapt to classroom settings. While your shy child may eventually adjust to his or her public school environment, we believe that a private school education is a wonderful and accommodating place for shy children to feel safe and comfortable at school.
Class Size Matters
Unlike public schools, private school teachers have the benefit of teaching smaller classes and therefore have the opportunity to get to know each student and his or her parents on a deeper level. This is a great benefit to all of the students, but particularly to those who are shyer and less likely to engage on their own in a group setting. At St. Barnabas Episcopal School, our teachers take great joy in really getting to know the children in their classes and finding ways to personalize and individualize lessons for their students.

Their classes also help to ease your shy child into social situations. The reality is, he or she will not be able to avoid socializing forever, but reduced class sizes allow shy students to interact with small groups of students and relax into new friendships and social engagements. This transition will set your student up for future success as they adjust to self advocating and build the confidence to help them overcome their shyness.

Embrace Our Differences
The reality is, your student may always be shy and averse to large groups of people, and that’s okay. The benefit of a private education is that we have the freedom to focus on providing a values-based education that promotes kindness and focuses on the understanding that our differences make us special. Embracing differences while providing opportunities for personal growth are an important part of childhood. It’s important for all of our students to meet and experience people who are different because exposure to each other’s differences helps children grow to be more kind and compassionate adults.

For these reasons and many others, a private education may be the best option for your shy child. At St. Barnabas we are proud to have the opportunity to focus on all of our students and each of their individual personalities. And, we are glad to be able to provide a safe place where your introverted student can flourish. Call us today for a tour of our campus and to learn more about how we can accommodate your student.

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