It’s finally summertime and your family is probably getting ready to get out and have fun in the sun. And many of you may be planning to travel for the first time in over a year. There is so much fun to be had with kids during the summer! But between all of the family trips and beach days, the reality of sending your little one off to elementary school for the first time is likely still tickling at the back of your mind. Before your summer is ruined with anxiety over where to send your child to school, read this article. The sooner you reserve your spot in a private elementary school classroom the better.
There is a lot that goes into preparing your children for school. You’ll shop for school supplies, make sure they’re emotionally prepared for the year to come, and work out all of the logistics of getting them to and from campus each day. But some families find they still feel a little bit unsettled about the process. We understand it’s a big step to send your child off to elementary school. Whether you’re enrolling them in private school or public school, collecting some important information now can give you confidence during this big moment for your family.
Understanding Our Educational Philosophies
Chances are you’re not an expert in early childhood education, that’s why you’re sending your child off to elementary school. But just because you’re not a professional teacher, doesn’t mean you don’t have an educational philosophy of your own. We want you to feel confident about your child’s classroom experience and understand how each of their lessons comes together to create a full learning experience. If you are curious about the educational philosophy of your child’s school or even the philosophy of their teacher, feel free to reach out and ask. The more you know, the better you can support your child and their teacher through the next year of their education.
Dive Into Our Community Values
Classes at St. Barnabas School fill up every year. We believe this is, in part, because parents trust the values we weave into every classroom. How important is it to you that your children attend an elementary school that upholds values consistent with your family’s values? In our experience, this is a top priority for many families who choose private education. Knowing and understanding the community values of your child’s new school is important because it empowers you as parents to choose a school that fits your family. It’s also helpful because it helps you support your child in adjusting to the community in a meaningful way. If you’re hoping to enroll your child in a values-based education, don’t wait.
Important Details and Logistics
What do you do if you need to drop your child off late to school? What is the policy regarding absences? Can a grandparent do school pick up? Are you allowed to pack peanuts in your child’s lunch? When is the ideal time to enroll a new student? These are just some of the questions that are swimming around in your head as we speak. Before you drop your child off on their first day of elementary school, make sure you’ve addressed these questions to relieve your anxieties. And as you move through your summer, take note of questions as they arise so you can address them before the school year begins. It’s likely that if you have the questions, so do many other parents.
Get On Track With the School Calendar
Do you ever wake up in the morning feeling like you forgot something but aren’t sure what it could be? Get ready for that feeling to increase now that your child is heading into elementary school. We highly recommend families get their hands on our school calendar and sync it with their family calendars as early as possible so they can go into the school year feeling confident and relaxed about the big transition. Call our office today to stay on track with our enrollment calendar.
What Resources Are Available To You?
Not all children are the same physically, emotionally, or academically. And because of that fact, it’s important to know what kind of resources are available to meet your child’s specific needs and how to access those resources. Chances are, you’re already thinking a lot about how to provide the best education for your kids, that’s why you’re considering private school. Before you start worrying, reach out to your child’s school and find out which members of the staff or faculty will be your advocates as your child begins elementary school in the fall. Knowing you have someone to turn to should you need it will give you a lot of peace.
Expectations of Families
If you’re looking for an elementary school where students and their families are engaged in community together, you’ve come to the right place. At St. Barnabas, our students’ families are part of what creates such a vibrant community. Whether you send your kids to St. Barnabas or another school, it’s worth taking the time to inquire about what will be expected of you as parents. Does your child’s classroom need volunteers? Are there recitals or pageants you should be prepared to attend? Is there an expectation that parents help fundraise for their child’s class? You’ll never know what is expected of you, or what opportunities are available to you until you ask.
It’s safe to assume that many of the parents reading this article are already planning to enroll their children in St. Barnabas’ elementary school program. We are excited to get to know you and your family in the fall. If you’re among the families who have yet to take the necessary steps to enroll their children, we urge you to do so sooner than later. Spots in our elementary school classes are limited and we want to make sure you are able to join us. For more information about enrolling your child at St. Barnabas for this fall, contact us today.