7 Tech-Free Activities To Do With Your Kindergarten Student

If you’ve spent the last year trying to find new ways to entertain your kindergarten student we applaud you for your efforts. During this pandemic, our normal way of living has been turned upside down and we’ve all (including our children) had to adjust in ways we weren’t prepared to. 

Between online classes, virtual visits with family members, and more screen time than normal, many of our families have expressed excitement about getting their kindergarten children out of the house in the coming months for some tech-free family fun. Below we have curated a list of fun and educational things you can do to peel your family members away from their favorite tech.

Explore The Beach

Who doesn’t love a beach day in Florida? As temperatures warm many families will be packing up beach bags and venturing to the coast for some fun in the sun. Along with hours of boogie boarding and sandcastle building, you may like to add some educational activities to your agenda. As you relax and enjoy nature, take a moment to search for wildlife in their natural habitat. Do you see the seagulls in the sky, little crabs on the sand, and maybe a dolphin or two in the water?

Visit Local Parks

We’re so blessed in this part of the world to be surrounded by state and national parks. Florida has dozens of beautiful freshwater springs, and we are fortunate to have DeLeon and Blue Springs very close to home. As with your beach trips, you will find magnificent wildlife at our local parks, but you can also learn some exciting history about the people who settled our state. A moment taken to explore our local history can bring a trip to the springs to life for your kindergarten child.

Visit the Library

We love libraries because they are a treasure trove full of exciting adventures, important history, and brilliant ideas. But more than just a house for books, our local libraries also provide a variety of different resources for young children. If your family is not already engaged with the library, now is a great opportunity to do so.

Commit to a Book Series

Have you read the same 5 books to your kindergarten student every night for the last few months? We celebrate the time that you spend reading to your child and promise you that it is essential in helping them become strong readers. That said, we know it can get a little repetitive. Consider introducing them to a series of books that is a little older than their kindergarten reading ability. As you read aloud it helps them to learn new words and connect them to the written words on the page. Plus, hearing a story without the pressure to read enables your kindergarten child to engage their full and expansive imagination.

Build Something With Your Hands

Have you ever had the experience of building something with your hands, standing back, and feeling the satisfaction of a job well done? Your kindergarten child loves that feeling just as much as you do! Building something from scratch makes us feel productive and accomplished, and it also gives us the ability to process and calm some of the feelings that are rolling around in our minds. If you are adept at building, you may introduce your child to the projects you’re already working on. If not, there are endless kindergarten-aged building ideas available for free online.

Start a Garden

Growing a garden is an exciting, educational, and fun activity for everyone in the family. This particular activity allows you to teach your kindergarten children what fresh food looks, tastes, and smells like, and just how much is involved in getting delicious fruits and vegetables to your plate. Plus, what kid doesn’t love the opportunity to dig in the dirt and maybe encounter some worms? Florida’s temperate climate provides plenty of opportunities for gardening all year long, but the full-sun summer days are on their way.

Learn to Cook

Once you have grown your garden, why not take your bounty into the kitchen and teach your kindergarten student how to use the ingredients to prepare their meal. Engaging your children in the process of cooking is empowering, and it teaches them how to make healthy food choices in the long run. You may even consider investing in some nylon kitchen knives so they can get their hands dirty without risking injury.

If there is anything we have learned over the last year it is that the kindergarten parents and students at St. Barnabas School are resilient, creative, and excited about learning. If you’ve run out of ideas for fun, screen-free ways to keep your kindergartner busy we hope this list is helpful to you. If you’re not already a member of the St. Barnabas School community and you would like to be, contact us today.

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