Winter break is fast approaching, so families will have the opportunity to spend a lot more time together! Is there anything better than soaking up the excitement of the holidays with your kids? It’s easy for the holidays to get so busy and overwhelming with activity planning, meal prepping, and gift shopping that we forget to fit in quality time with the people we love the most. This year, schedule your quality time like you would anything else.
If you feel overwhelmed by options when it comes to holiday activities, we understand. So, why not break all those options down into three simple categories? Some simple category ideas are outdoor activities, preparing and eating food, and special holiday activities. Choose a few options from each, or create some categories of your own if you’re feeling wild. Remember, the goal here is to find new ways to make meaningful memories with your kids this winter break.
1. Enjoy Your Time Outside
One of the many benefits of living in Florida is spending time outside any time of the year. Unlike our friends in the northern states, we don’t risk getting snowed in our homes for months out of the year, so it’s easy for us to take advantage of outside activities during winter break. While it may be too chilly for a dip in the ocean, this is an excellent time of year to walk the beach, pick up shells, build sand castles, and enjoy a picnic by the sea. Plan some time to bring your kids out to enjoy the beautiful natural world around us while the weather is pleasant. Of course, your family can have fun outdoor time without ever leaving your backyard. Light a fire, toast some marshmallows, and rake leaves into a pile for jumping in. The options are practically endless. If you’re running low on creativity, invite your kids into the process, you may be amazed at the creative ideas they come up with.
2. Get Creative In the Kitchen
Our fall and winter holidays are closely linked to special meals and treats. Thanksgiving dinner, caramel apples, Christmas cookies, and gingerbread men are just some things families are accustomed to enjoying this time of year. You probably have your own family food traditions. This year, schedule some time to share those traditions with your kids. The results may not turn out perfectly, and your kitchen will likely become a massive mess in the meantime, but the memories you create together will be unforgettable. To sweeten the experience, prepare extras for your neighbors and loved ones. The only thing more heartwarming than receiving the gift of freshly made treats during the holiday season is the joy and pride your kids will feel giving them away.
3. Special Seasonal Activities
Just as there are foods we associate with the winter season, seasonal activities make winter break extra fun for families. Whether you love Thanksgiving 5ks, Christmas movie marathons, or walking the neighborhood to see the Christmas lights, there are so many fun ways you can enjoy the holiday break with your family. Around central Florida, there are fun attractions like the Disney and Universal parks and local zoos that host fun family activities for the holidays. Not everything you do during holiday break needs to cost money, but if you’re willing to spend a little, you’ll be amazed at the fun you can get into.
While the holidays can feel like a freight train barreling down the track, the holiday break is a much-needed reprieve. Be intentional about creating fun and rejuvenating time for you and your family to reconnect and relax amid all the hubbub. Parenting is a wild journey. Fortunately, none of us has to go it alone. Feel free to contact us or peruse our blog for more parenting tips. And if you’d like to learn more about joining our community, contact us today.